Séminaire général de l'IHPST - avec le professeur Leitgeb
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Séminaire général de l'IHPST
le mardi 11 mars de 16h30 à 18h30
à l'IHPST, 13 rue du four, 2e étage, salle de conférences
Le professeur Hannes Leitgeb interviendra sur : The Logic of Epistemic Reasons. From Philosophy via Logic to AI
Résumé : The talk will argue for a system of axioms that is meant to capture the logic of normative reasons for belief. The system concerns two kinds of reason-for relations, an identity criterion for reasons, an aggregation function for reasons, and a function for the revision of belief by reasons. The resulting theory avoids problems that have been ascribed to the additive aggregation of reasons, it entails that reasons conform to a vector structure, it builds a bridge between the philosophical theory of reasons and Bayesian formal epistemology, and it might have some applications in explainable AI.