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Journée d'étude
Ordinary Language Philosophy and the Question of Method
Workshop autour du travail d'Avner Baz
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne (UMR8103)
Centre de philosophie contemporaine de la Sorbonne (PhiCo)
Paris, 4 juin 2022
9h30 : Accueil et présentation
9h45 – 10h25 : Avner Baz (Tufts University)
On Philosophical Idleness: The Ordinary Language Philosophy Argument Against the Philosophical Method of Cases.10h25-10h40 : Pause
10h40 – 11h10 : Jeanne-Marie Roux (Centre Prospéro, USL-B)
What do we do when we say we know? The act of speaking and the dispute over philosophical methods.
11h10 – 11h40 : Bruno Ambroise (CNRS, ISJPS)
When our words go on holiday: remarks on the descriptive fallacy.
11h40-12h30 : Réponse d'Avner Baz et discussion
[12h30 – 14h30 : pause]
14h30 – 15h15 : Anaïs Jomat (Université Saint Louis – Bruxelles)
The "method of cases", a case study : J.L. Austin vs. the empirical semanticists of the late 1950’s.
15h15 – 16h00 : Pierre Fasula (ISJPS)
The Methods of Ordinary Language Criticism.
16h00 – 16h15 : Pause
16h15 – 17h00 : Sandra Laugier (U. Paris 1, ISJPS)
Cavell's Method as Inheriting the Analytic Tradition.